Why Mini Courses are the Smarter Choice for Busy Authors: Insights from a Course Creation Agency

As a busy author, you have invested a lot of time, money, and energy in publishing your book and becoming a bestseller. Congratulations on that achievement! But what's next? You may be wondering how to leverage your book in new ways and generate more revenue from it. You may be considering creating a full-length online course, but let me share with you some insights from my personal experience running a course creation agency for authors.

Two years ago, I started my agency with the idea of helping authors create full-length courses to accompany their books. But as we started working with clients and producing courses, we quickly realized just how much work goes into creating a high-quality course that sells. The process of research, planning, recording, editing, and marketing a full-length course is a massive undertaking that requires a significant investment of time, energy, and money. Not to mention, it can be challenging to sell a course online, and the results may not always match the investment.

But there is a better way. Instead of a full-length course, consider creating a mini course to accompany your book. Here are four reasons why mini courses are a smart and profitable option for busy authors:

  • Mini courses are easy to create.

Creating a mini course is much less time-consuming and labor-intensive than creating a full-length course. With a mini course, you can focus on the essential elements that will provide the most value to your readers and keep the production process streamlined. By condensing your content into a shorter format, you can deliver a focused and engaging learning experience without overwhelming your audience.

For example, best-selling author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss created a mini course to accompany his book "The 4-Hour Work Week." The mini course provided a condensed version of the book's core principles and allowed readers to learn the essential lessons in just a few hours. By creating a mini course, Ferriss was able to provide value to his readers and generate additional revenue from his book.

Action step: Take a look at your book's content and identify the most critical lessons or ideas. Think about how you can condense that content into a shorter format, such as a mini course, that provides maximum value to your readers.

  • Mini courses are highly marketable.

Because mini courses are shorter and more focused, they are easier to market and promote to your audience. You can use social media, email marketing, and other channels to share your mini course with potential students and generate interest in your book. Plus, a mini course is a great way to introduce new readers to your writing style and expertise, which can help you build your brand and grow your audience.

For example, author and podcast host Jenna Kutcher created a mini course to accompany her book "The Goal Digger Podcast." The mini course provided listeners with additional resources and tools to help them achieve their goals and build their businesses. By promoting the mini course through her podcast and social media channels, Kutcher was able to generate additional revenue and grow her audience.

Action step: Identify the channels where your audience is most active, such as social media or email, and create a marketing plan to promote your mini course to them.

  • Mini courses are profitable.

While full-length courses can be expensive to produce and may not always provide a significant return on investment, mini courses can be a profitable addition to your book sales. You can price your mini course affordably and offer it as a complementary product to your book. Plus, by creating a mini course, you can create additional revenue streams for your book and generate ongoing passive income.

For example, author and speaker Rachel Hollis created a mini course to accompany her book "Girl, Stop Apologizing." The mini course provided readers with actionable steps to help them achieve their goals and build their confidence. By pricing the mini course at a reasonable rate and promoting it alongside her book, Hollis was able to generate significant revenue and create additional value for her readers. Similarly, if you are an author or content creator, creating a mini course can be a great way to monetize your expertise and provide additional value to your audience. With the right strategy and marketing, mini courses can be a profitable and sustainable addition to your business model.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our exclusive VIP weekend for authors who are eager to create a profitable and effective online mini-course. Over the course of a weekend in San Diego, our team will work closely with four authors to produce a high-quality mini-course that will leave a lasting impression on their readers.

In addition to the mini-course, we will also produce social media shorts that will captivate and engage new readers, driving traffic to both your book and mini-course. To top it off, we will offer an exclusive opportunity to be interviewed by a signature publisher or media influencer on set, giving you even more exposure and visibility.

If you're looking to maximize the impact of your book and take your author career to the next level, our VIP weekend is the perfect opportunity for you. Apply to work with us at this link and let us help you create an online course that will truly stand out.


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